Understanding and leveraging the robustness of topological superconductivity, along with the unique quantum properties of strongly entangled particles, presents an exciting opportunity for developing new quantum technologies. Initial concepts and platforms, particularly Majorana zero modes at the edges of one-dimensional topological superconductors, have paved the way for a broader range of systems, including unconventional superconductors, spin liquids, and fractional quantum Hall states.
The aim of this meeting is to gather members of the Management Committee and related scientists to report on the ongoing work towards the objectives of the Action and review the progress and findings made within the COST Action SUPERQUMAP toward its specific objectives. It will facilitate exchanges among participants and highlight recent developments. Current quantum technologies, which rely on established fabrication processes, encounter significant challenges in scaling environment-protected superconducting qubits. To overcome these hurdles, a collaborative, research-driven approach that explores the fundamentals of devices and quantum materials is essential. The meeting will set the future path for the Action, and cover but not limited to, the three main lines of work:
Quantum materials: Topological and triplet superconductivity, relationship between electronic correlations, magnetism and unconventional superconducting properties.
New functionalities for sensors and devices: Disorder in low dimensional and low carrier density superconductors. Electronic behavior between the extreme limits of infinity and zero resistance. Transport in hybrid magnetic-superconducting devices, pi- and phi-junction behavior in hybrid heterostructures.
Building quantum systems: Novel two-level systems in superconducting junctions and devices suitable for quantum computation. Method development for coherent manipulation in quantum devices.
Castle Liblice (conference centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Liblice 61, 277 32 Liblice, Czech Republic
Important dates
Registration and abstract submission: 7th March 2025.
Notifications of abstract acceptance and support by COST: 28th March 2025.
Arrival, 5th May 2025, after lunch.
Departure, 9th May 2025, after lunch.
Local organizer
FZU – Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (www.fzu.cz)
Chairs of organizing committee:
Jeroen Custers (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
Vladislav Pokorný (FZU – Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Organizing committee:
Hermann Suderow (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Francesco Tafuri (Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli)
Anna Böhmer (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Beena Kalisky (Bar Ilan University)
Szabolcs Csonka (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Scientific committee
Jan Aarts
Yonathan Anahory
José J. Baldoví
Neven Barisic
Simon Bending
Annica Black-Schaffer
Anna Böhmer
Ioan Aian Crisan
Szabolcs Csonka
Jeroen Custers
Hugo Dil
Oleksan Dobrovolskiy
Vladimir Fomin
Ali Gencer
Dima Geshkenbein
Jean-Claude Grivel
Abdou Hassanien
Krsto Ivanovic
Viktor Kabanov
Gleb Kakazei
Beena Kalisky
Denis Kochan
Dieter Kölle
Danica Krstovska
Jose Lado
Wolfgang Lang
Nenad Lazarević
Brigitte Leridon
Chuan Li
Peter Liljeroth
Floriana Lombardi
Péter Makk
Jovan Mirkovic
Todor Mishonov
Evangelia Moschopoulou
Yasser Omar
Elisabetta Paladino
Anna Palau
Fani Pinakidou
Vladislav Pokorný
Zorica Popovic
Jason Robinson
Peter Samuely
Cem Sevik
Alejano Silhanek
Aleksandar Skeparovski
Mads Peter Soerensen
Raivo Stern
Asle Sudbo
Hermann Suderow
Francesco Tafuri
Lan Maria Tran
Albert Varonov
Javier Villegas
Joris van de Vondel
Sinisa Vucenovic
Anzej Zaleski
Dijana Žilić