To provide a collaborative platform including researchers from different countries, different kinds of institutions (universities, research centers and industry) and different disciplines and foster their activities within the network to gain full advantage of cross-fertilization.
To train a new generation of researchers in superconductivity in an inclusive and open environment coordinated with other European efforts, such as individual projects, large research networks and large infrastructures.
To show the peculiar behavior of superconductors, its advantages, applications, uses and benefits, to society and to other stakeholders.
To provide engineers with the needed background to develop superconducting applications.
To promote openly the establishment of contacts with researchers in inclusiveness target countries and increase their participation in high-level calls.
To promote openly gender equilibrium in a highly technical field of research, and thus improve the gender balance in superconductivity.
To follow COST excellence and inclusiveness policies, being open to new avenues and providing a platform for established and newcomers to Europe to perform and disseminate excellent research in the field of superconductivity.
To improve the efficient use of European large scale infrastructures and allow excellent groups to coordinate their efforts through collaboration in common interests.