
Meetings and schools


Short-term scientific missions (STSM)


ITC Conference grants

Dissemination and communication

All scientists interested in the objectives of the action are strongly encouraged to mention the COST Action in the acknowledgment section of publications. Please include the sentence “We acknowledge COST Action CA21144 SuperQumap.” These publications will be picked up by the management of the Action and posted in the Action’s webpage.

Dissemination activities fall under the Science Communication Plan which is now under development.

Virtual mobility

The Action can support Virtual Mobility, i.e. a collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers within the COST Action. For example, to organize experiments in another facility, to arrange computational, modelling or data analysis activities among scientists involved in the Action. As the Action seeks to promote in-person contacts, this option is subject to availability within the budget. Applications can be made using the e-cost system.

Contact us for more information

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