Using an open and inclusive approach that joins expertise and capabilities all over Europe, this project will structure collaborative efforts aiming at disruptive achievements in the field of superconductivity. The results will impact far beyond the development of new quantum solutions for computation, and include sectors such as health and energy.

The challenge addressed by SUPERQUMAP is to harness the results obtained recently in superconductivity and build a collaborative effort to provide radically new approaches to superconducting based quantum devices. 

Research Objectives and Working Groups


Recent years have seen a surge in superconducting quantum electronics, with rapidly rising number of promising devices and systems enabling quantum coherent manipulation and sensing. Present operating technologies use superconducting devices with a constantly increasing number and complexity of active elements.

Quantum computation, for example, requires a perfect manipulation of a large number of qubits – complex superconducting hybrid devices controlled in arrangements manipulating quantum phase, flux or charge, among others.

Current technologies based on well-established elaboration processes face major difficulties in scaling of environment-protected superconducting qubits.

Exploring novel quantum materials and phenomena is an alternative route to considerably improve superconducting devices and make a quantum leap in their stability and coherence. Addressing this goal is a huge challenge which requires going beyond presently available networks and projects. Here we propose a collaborative approach joining together efforts and groups all over Europe, structured around three pathways:

  • Synthesis and characterization of quantum materials with novel topological properties
  • Fabrication of sensors and devices exploiting novel superconducting functionalities
  • Generation and coherent manipulation of superconducting states that can create new opportunities in the superconducting quantum electronics.