Research objectives

  • To synthesize, characterize, model and understand superconducting materials and devices using a collaborative approach including techniques and capabilities available all over Europe.
  • To improve our understanding of superconductors at interfaces and in combination with other systems such as magnets and insulators.
  • To achieve a disruptive advance in superconducting devices for quantum technologies
Quantum materials
  • Obtain topological and triplet superconductivity by tuning correlations and the properties at interfaces.
  • Understand the relationship between electronic correlations, magnetism and unconventional superconducting properties.

New functionalities for sensors and devices
  • Control the degree of disorder in low dimensional and low carrier density superconductors
  • Achieve a better understanding of electronic behavior between the extreme limits of infinity and zero resistance.
  • Understand transport in hybrid magnetic-superconducting devices and explore the behavior of pand junctions made of hybrid heterostructures.
Building quantum systems
  • Create and characterize novel two-level systems in superconducting junctions and devices suitable for quantum computation.
  • Design and test methods for their coherent manipulation in quantum devices.