Moldova State University, Faculty of Physics and Engineering and Institute of Applied Physics, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, October 2 to 3, 2024
The International Workshop dedicated to Emerging Quantum Materials based on Superconducting nanostructures will provide an overview of the state-of-the-art achievements in the field of superconducting Nanodevices and Quantum Materials for Coherent Manipulation. It aims at bringing together specialists working in several actively developing and mutually fertilizing domains: Superconducting 3D Nanoarchitectures, Topological Superconductivity, Dimensionality and Topological Effects in Abrikosov Vortex Systems, Vortex Dynamics in Nanoengineered Superconductors, Superconducting Resonators and RF Applications, Thin Film Superconducting Hybrids. Its vigorous topical scope ranges from fundamental theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of Superconducting and Hybrid Nanostructures with emphasis on vortex physics – to design and optimization of the novel functionalized Quantum Materials for versatile applications including, but not limited to, resonators with enhanced quality factors, bolometers with ultralow noise power, integration of superconducting technologies in quantum information processing and sensing.
Importantly, the first COST Action CA21144 SuperQuMap International Workshop to be held in the Republic of Moldova will provide an unprecedented opportunity to the researchers of the East-European Countries to present and discuss their current investigations at a high-European-level scientific forum, to get acquainted with the advanced theoretical and experimental methods in the field, and to initiate novel motivating interactions with colleagues from the other COST Action Member Countries.
Workshop starts on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 8:30 at the Moldova State University (Strada Alexei Mateevici 60, MD2009, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova)
We aim to organize six sessions:
- Superconducting 3D Nanoarchitectures
- Dimensionality and Topological Effects in Abrikosov Vortex Systems
- Superconducting resonators and RF applications
- Thin film superconducting hybrids
- Vortex dynamics in nanoengineered superconductors
- Topological superconductivity
No registration fee will be raised. The level of support by the COST Action together with abstract acceptance is communicated by email,
The participation includes abstract and program book, session attendance, conference service, and coffee breaks. Hotel reservation, lunches and dinners are to be arranged by each participant. Please contact for more information.
For any questions or interest, please write and
The list of speakers for the conference is the follwing:
- Bernd Aichner, Austria
- Yonathan Anahory, Israel
- Neven Žitomir Barišić, Croatia
- Stepan Beril, R. Moldova
- Antonio Bianconi, Italy
- Igor Bogush, Germany
- Elena Condrea, R. Moldova
- Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy, Germany
- Vladimir Fomin, R. Moldova/Germany
- Ali Gencer, Turkey
- Vadim Geshkenbein, Switzerland
- Abdou Hassanien, Slovenia
- Leonid Konopko, R. Moldova
- Wolfgang Lang, Austria
- Miguel Rodríguez Martin, Poland
- Predrag Miranović, Montenegro
- Vyacheslav Misko, Belgium
- Albina Nikolaeva, R. Moldova
- Vladislav Pokorný, Czech Republik
- Peter Samuely, Slovakia
- Alejandro Silhanek, Belgium
- Anatolie Sidorenko, R. Moldova
- Aleksandr Starchuk, R. Moldova
- Vladimir Ţurcan, R. Moldova
- Balazs Ujfalussy, Hungary
- Joris Van den Vondel, Belgium
- Siniša Vučenović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organisation Committees
Local Committee (R. Moldova)
- L. Culiuc
- V. Fomin
- N. Siminel – Secretary
- S. Vatavu
Scientific Committee
- Y. Anahory (Israel)
- A. Crişan (Romania)
- O. Dobrovolskiy (Germany)
- V. Fomin (R- Moldova) – Chair
- W. Lang (Austria)
- P. Samuely (Slovakia)
- A. Silhanek (Belgium)
- H. Suderow (Spain)
- F. Tafuri (Italy)
- J. Van den Vondel (Belgium)