Program available here.
Conference starts on Tuesday 4h of June 8:30 at College de France (11, Place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris, France)
The ultimate sensitivity achieved by quantum sensors offers a wide range of applications in astrophysics, quantum electronics, medical and communication technologies, geology, among many others. In many cases, it is the phenomenon of superconductivity which is in the heart of the working principle of these ultimate sensors whose quantum response offers unparalleled sensitivity in detecting single particles, ultralow magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves in a wide spectral range, etc. The International Conference “Quantum sensing” aims bringing together two scientific communities: the one focusing on fundamental aspects of the quantum phenomena in superconducting hybrids and the other working on the development of quantum devices and detectors (not only the superconducting ones), pushing the frontiers of their sensitivity and their range of applications, inventing new technological and conceptual routes. The Conference will provide an opportunity to set up the state of the art in the field, discuss current hot topics and challenges.
The meeting will take place at Collège de France (
The Conference will cover various topics related to fundamentals, technology, integration and optimization challenges. There will be five main sessions :
- Superconducting single particle detectors: Superconducting single particle detectors are now the leading technology in terms of single photon detection performance. Their implementation is widespread in many fields, but there are still many open questions about the underlying microscopic physics and the development of new generations of detectors that are more efficient or operate at moderate cryogenic temperatures. These issues will be at the heart of this session.
- Sensors and devices for quantum optics and metrology: Quantum sensing uses quantum systems to enable or enhance sensing. The latest generation of quantum sensors and devices go beyond the standard quantum limit by using entangled states, but are not close to what is allowed by quantum mechanics. Convergence towards this ultimate limit is an open challenge in the field of detection.
- Quantum sensor-based microscopies and spectroscopies: The use of quantum sensors with ultimate sensitivity to locally probe the topographical and spectroscopic properties of matter is making it possible to penetrate the properties of materials and generate new functionalities.
- Novel phenomena and principles for quantum sensing: This session will be dedicated to all the emerging phenomena, theories and physical principles at the heart of quantum detection and the ultimate limit allowed by mechanics.
- Twistronic: This session is devoted to twistronic materials are all quantum-active interfaces from which nontrivial quantum phases emerge that are not intrinsic to the basic materials. From stacking, twisting, gate modulation and optical excitation, new fields of exploration in physics become accessible, enabling to travel from the limit of weak correlations to the limit of strong correlations, in a topological and many-body framework.
The registration form can be found here.
Organizers have arranged hotel accommodation within the limits set by COST (3 nights in Hotel Inn, 178 boulevard Vincent Auriol 75013 Paris, Inn If you are going to make use of this possibility, it is important that you inform the organizers ( and make the advanced payment before 14 May 2024.
No registration fee will be raised for participants from COST countries. The level of support together with abstract acceptance will be communicated during the first week of May 2024.
The participation includes abstract and program book, session attendance, conference service, welcome party, and coffee breaks. Lunches are to be arranged by each participant. Further details about dinner on Wednesday 05 will be communicated to participants.
Schedule (preliminary):

Preliminary list of speakers:
Anahory, Yonathan (Jersusalem, Israel)
Bayan, Karimi (Helsinki, Finland)
Bauch, Thilo (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Bothner, Daniel (Tübingen, Germany)
Brune, Michel (Paris, France)
Cazalilla, Miguel Angel (Donostia, Spain)
Charaev, Ilya (Zurich, Switzerland)
Dassonneville, Rémy (Marseille, France)
De Jong, Matthijs (Helsinki, Finland),
Delteil, Aymeric (Paris-Saclay, France)
Di Battista, Giorgio (Munich, Germany)
Djordjevic, Sophie (Trappes, France)
Feist, Armin (Göttingen, Germany)
Finco, Aurore (Montpellier, France)
Flurin, Emmanuel (Saclay, France)
Fomin, Vladimir (Chişinău, Moldova)
Goffman, Marcelo (Saclay, France)
Hanay, Selim (Ankara, Turkey)
Knowles, Helena (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Köymen, Itır (Ankara, Turkey)
Lado, Jose (Aalto, Finland)
Lee, Eduardo (Madrid, Spain)
Massarotti, Davide (Napoli, Italy)
Pekola, Jukka (Helsinki, Finland)
Roch, Jean-François (Paris-Saclay, France)
Rius, Gemma (Barcelona, Spain)
Santamaria, Jacobo (Madrid, Spain)
Semenov, Alexei (Berlin, Germany)
Schuck, Carsten (Münster, Germany)
Stampfer, Christoph (Aachen, Germany)
Trastoy , Juan ( Paris-Saclay, France)
Van de Vondel, Joris (Leuven, Belgium)
Zgirski, Maciej (Warsaw, Poland)
Zwiller, Val (Stockholm, Sweden)
Additional sponsors