Authors: Itai Keren, Alon Gutfreund, Avia Noah, Nofar Fridman, Angelo Di Bernardo, Hadar Steinberg*, and Yonathan Anahory*
Nano Lett. 2023, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX
Abstract: The positions of Abrikosov vortices have long been considered as means to encode classical information. Although it is possible to move individual vortices using local probes, the challenge of scalable on-chip vortex-control remains outstanding, especially when considering the demands of controlling multiple vortices. Realization of vortex logic requires means to shuttle vortices reliably between engineered pinning potentials, while concomitantly keeping all other vortices fixed. We demonstrate such capabilities using Nb loops patterned below a NbSe2 layer. SQUID-on-Tip (SOT) microscopy reveals that the loops localize vortices in designated sites to a precision better than 100 nm; they realize “push” and “pull” operations of vortices as far as 3 μm. Successive application of such operations shuttles a vortex between adjacent loops. Our results may be used as means to integrate vortices in future quantum circuitry. Strikingly, we demonstrate a winding operation, paving the way for future topological quantum computing and simulations.