Young researchers online workshop on Topology and Superconductivity in Strongly Correlated f-electron Materials, 27 February to 01 March 2023.

The book of abstracts for this workshop can be downloaded here. A short schedule is available here. Zoom links are provided in these documents.

Last minute change: Due to unexpected last minute unavailability of Rodrigo Pereira, the first tutorial on “Strongly correlated topological phases of matter” will be given by Qimiao Si (Rice University).

All speakers should join the zoom meeting 10 minutes before their session starts.

Please use the email to contact organizers.

To participate in this meeting, we recommend to be registered in the e-COST system following this link. Once you have registered, please write to and inform about the email address used for registration. To receive the zoom link please send an email to

Schedule (on the first day, Monday 27th, the workshop will start 10 minutes before the schedule for a short introduction):
PST: 08h00 to 10h30, break, 11h30 to 13h30.
EST: 11h00 to 13h30, break, 14h30 to 16h30.
BRT: 13h00 to 15h30, break, 16h30 to 18h30.
CET: 17h00 to 19h30, break, 20h30 to 22h30.

Contact email.

Download announcement


The meeting aims to bring together in a fully online format scientists working on topological aspects in heavy fermion-like materials, including topological Kondo insulators, quantum critical phenomena and unconventional superconductivity. The workshop is organized mostly by American and European scientists, the latter including those interested in the COST Action superqumap. But it is completely open to any contribution to the field.

Our current knowledge of the nature of unconventional superconductivity in heavy fermion-like materials and its relationship to topological and Weyl superconductivity is fairly limited. A prime example is the superconducting state in UTe2 triggering a flurry of activity in the past few years. This U based layered material presents amazing superconducting properties and challenges our hitherto understanding of superconductivity in f-electron materials. In a short amount of time, it has grown to be one of the most remarkable heavy fermion superconductors. It is of course not the only compound which has attracted recent attention by scientists working on topological superconductivity. The inherent strong spin orbit coupling in f-electron materials and the unconventional superconducting state make heavy fermion superconductors a prime testing ground for research and to provide information useful for many other superconducting systems.
The advances in unconventional superconductivity go together with technical developments in crystal growth, new spectroscopies, high pressures, computational capabilities and theory. The goal of this workshop is to bring together young researchers in the field of heavy fermion superconductivity and foster collaborations to address the most pressing needs more efficiently by combining knowledge and techniques available at different places. The workshop aims to bring together scientists that are geographically far from each other, but scientifically very close. Work in progress as well as new developments are explicitly welcome.
Topics will include:

  • Superconducting pairing symmetries in heavy fermions.
  • Topological properties of heavy fermions.
  • Superconductivity in d and f electron systems.
  • Quantum criticality and Cooper pairing.
  • Advances in spectroscopic and imaging techniques.
  • Experiments in large scale facilities.
  • Phase diagrams.
  • High pressure, high magnetic fields.
  • Josephson coupling, vortex lattices in unconventional superconductors.


We recommend to be registered in the e-COST system. To receive the zoom link please send an email to

Participants who register in e-cost will be informed about future in-person and online activities of the Action. You might register using this link Please write to as soon as you have registered and let us know which email account did you use. In case you already registered in e-cost in the past but you never participated in the activities of our Action, we would also need to know the email account with which you are registered in e-cost. You will then receive the official e-cost invitations that you will need to accept.

No registration fee will be raised. Participation certificates will be issued by writing to


Tutorials by

Aline Ramires (Paul Scherrer Institute).
Ramshaw, Brad (Cornell University).
Rodrigo Pereira (UFRN).

If you like to participate and give a contributed talk, please send an email with title and abstract.

Organizing Committee
Brison, Jean Pascal (France)
Custers, Jeroen (Chair, Czech Republic)
Dunsiger, Sarah (Canada)
Flint, Rebecca (USA)
Pagliuso, Pascoal (Brazil)
Paschen, Silke (Austria)
Ronning, Filip (USA)
Suderow, Hermann (Spain)

Scientific Advisory Committee
Carrington, Antony (Bristol)
Hassinger, Elena (TU Munich)
Grosche, F. Malte (Cavendish Lab, Cambridge)
Knafo, William (LNCMI-Toulouse / CNRS)
Klimczuk, Tomasz (Gdansk University of Technology)
Krellner, Cornelius (Frankfurt)
Liljeroth, Peter (Finland)
McCollam, Alix (Nijmegen)
Modic, Kimberly (ISTA)
Nicklas, Michael (MPI-CPfS, Dresden)
Wahl, Peter (University of St. Andrews)
Vergniory, Maia (DICP, Spain)
And the committee (

Agterberg, Daniel (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Balicas, Luis (NHMFL)
Bianchi, Andrea (University of Montréal)
Broholm, Collin (John Hopkins)
Butch, Nicholas P. (NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg)
Dzero, Maxim (Kent University)
Giraldo, Paula (Los Andres University)
Hallberg, Karen (Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro)
Julian, Stephen (Toronto University)
Madhavan, Vidya (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Paiva, Thereza (UFRJ)
Pedrazzini, Pablo (Bariloche)
Rosa, Priscila (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Si, Qimiao (Rice University)
Taillefer, Louis (Sherbrooke)

