ITC Conference Grant of Alina Marinela Ionescu at EUCAS 2023 (Bologna, Italy)

ITC CG for participating at EUCAS 2023 with the oral presentation entitled “Tuning the properties of Superconductor/Ferromagnet YBa2Cu3O7-x/CaRuO3” with authors Alina Marinela Ionescu, Ion Ivan, Claudiu Locovei, Melania Onea, Adrian Crisan, Soltan Soltan, Gisela Schütz and Joachim Albrecht.

We studied heterostructures of CaRuO3 and YBCO thin films deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition when the layers of different thicknesses are in direct contact, with YBCO film on top. Using extensive measurements of the magnetic moment of the superconductor and ferromagnet as a function of magnetic field and temperature, the impact of a ferromagnetic layer on the properties of YBCO was investigated. It was shown that both the superconductivity of YBCO and the ferromagnetic properties of CRO are influenced by the thickness of the layers.


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