International meeting on superconducting quantum materials and nanodevices, 17 to 21 April 2023

Short programme.

Registration and abstract submission form.

Contact email.


Rapid recent developments in the physics of superconducting quantum materials pose the grand challenge to integrate the acquired fundamental insights into the quantum devices with radically new functionalities. To promptly address such challenges requires facilitated interactions and collaboration between the key research stakeholders, junior and senior, towards the jointly made advances in modern quantum technology.

Therefore, this meeting is conceptualized as a school in conference format, and intends to promote the collaboration and exchanges of ideas among expert and early-stage scientists active in nanoscale quantum physics, synthesis and characterization of novel superconducting materials and heterostructures, device fabrication, and theoretical modeling. The meeting will be fully in-person, in a confined and relaxed atmosphere, optimally promoting the discussions and meetings among all participants. Additionally, this meeting serves an important purpose to promote and disseminate the activities of the COST Action SUPERQUMAP in ITC and Eastern European countries.

Topics include (and are not limited to):

  • Topological superconductivity.
  • Novel Josephson effects in bulk and artificial layered materials.
  • Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity, including magnonics and fluxonics.
  • New high-temperature superconductors – in silico design and synthesis.
  • Emergent physics in new (unconventional) superconductors and superconductivity vs charge-density wave orders.
  • Superconducting Quantum bits and quantum circuits.
  • Three-dimensional superconducting nanostructures.
  • Superconducting devices for quantum technology.
  • Superconductivity vs. charge-density wave orders.
  • Imaging of superconducting vortices, Shiba and Majorana states.
  • Confinement effects at the nanoscale and three-dimensional superconducting nanostructures.
  • Advanced theoretical modeling and multiscale simulations.


Abstract book.


The meeting will be held at:,18.838365&z=16&t=m&hl=es-ES&gl=RS&mapclient=embed&cid=16860653681612733603

The organizers will arrange one bus transfer from Podgorica airport to Budva on 17th April afternoon and return transfer on 21st April after lunch. Exact time will be set according to flight schedule of most participants.

The conditions for hotel reservation will be sent by each participant after registration. The hotel price per day is 120 € (double room) or 150 € (single room), including full board accommodation and use of all amenities related to the conference.

Please arrange your hotel reservation as follows:
• Send a copy of the ticket/travel reservation to, and specify the request for either single (150 euro/day, all in) or double room (120 euro/day, all in).
• The payment can be made on the spot, at the conference registration desk, by cash or credit card, or by paying upfront not later than April 7, 2023, by bank transfer using the payment instruction here (bank charges are not included nor covered by COST). All fees should be paid in EUR (€).

Participants must cover the hotel expenses, including full board, by themselves. In case of reimbursement by COST, the COST conditions will apply. The maximum daily rate (including local transport to and from airport) has been limited by the Management Committee to 160 € for this meeting.

Participants should take care of entry requirements to Montenegro themselves. Please see here.


17th February abstract submission.
28th February notification of support by COST.
6th March notification of oral/poster contribution.
10th March participant list finalized.
1st April, all hotel reservations made and final program published.

Steering Committee:

Predrag Miranovic (chair), University of Montenegro
Jovan Mirkovic (co-chair), University of Montenegro
Milorad Milosevic (co-chair), UAntwerp, Belgium
Anna Böhmer, University Bochum
Szabolcs Csonka, Budapest University
Francesco Tafuri, UniNaples, Italy
Hermann Suderow UAMadrid, Spain

Scientific Advisory Committee:

Aarts, Jan (The Netherlands)
Barisic, Neven (Croatia)
Bending, Simon (UK)
Buzdin, Alexander (France)
Canfield, Paul C. (USA)
Crisan, Adrian (Romania)
Custers, Jeroen (Czech Republic)
Doria, Mauro (Brazil)
Fomin, Vladimir (Moldova)
Golubov, Alexandre (Twente)
Grover, Arun (India)
Iavarone, Maria (USA)
Ionescu, Alina (Romania)
Fomin, Vladimir (Moldavia)
Hakonen, Pertti (Finland)
Kabanov, Victor (Slovenia)
Kadowaki, Kazuo (Japan)
Kochan, Denis (Slovakia)
Koelle, Dieter (Germany)
Kordyuk, Alexandre (Ukraine)
Krstovska, Danica (North Macedonia)
Lazarevic, Nenad (Serbia)
Levy Yeyati, Alfredo (Spain)
Liljeroth, Peter (Finland)
Lombardi, Floriana (Sweden)
Menelaou, Melita (Cyprus)
Mihailovic, Dragan (Slovenia)
Mishonov, Todor (Bulgaria)
Moshchalkov, Victor (Belgium)
Naidyuk, Yurii (Ukraine)
Obradors, Xavier (Spain)
Palatino, Elisabetta (Italy)
Palotás, Krisztián (Hungary)
Paturi, Petriina (Finland)
Pop, Ioan (Germany)
Silhanek, Alejandro (Belgium)
Roditchev, Dimitri (France)
Schmalian, Jörg (Germany)
Sevik, Cem (Turkey)
Šindler, Michal (Czech Republic)
Wen, Hai-Hu (China)
Zaletski, Andrzej (Poland)
Zeldov, Eli (Israel)
Zgirski, Maciej (Poland)

And the SUPERQUMAP Management Committee.

Preliminary list of speakers (ongoing):

Jan Aarts (Netherlands)
Halima Ahmad (Italy)
Mazhar Ali (Netherlands)
Jonas Bekaert (Belgium)
Alexandre Buzdin (France)
Malcolm Connolly (UK)
Tristan Cren (France)
Adrian Crisan (Romania)
Angelo Di Bernardo (Germany)
Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy (Austria)
Vladimir Fomin (Moldova)
Elena Gati (Germany)
František Herman (Slovakia)
Dieter Koelle (Germany)
Vladimir Krasnov (Sweden)
Nenad Lazarevic (Serbia)
Estefani Marchiori (Switzerland)
Julia Meyer (France)
Lukas Nulens (Belgium)
Elisabetta Paladino (Italy)
Jelena Pesic (Serbia)
Zorica Popovic (Serbia)
Dimitri Roditchev (France)
Levente Rózsa (Hungary)
Rubén Seoane (Spain)
Javier Villegas (France)
Maciej Zgirski (Poland)



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